Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nude Art

I started a new painting that I will display this November in my art show. I like to use mixed media with oil, that is my favorite technique. This is the first part of my painting.

Monday, July 30, 2012

My best friend

I like dogs a lot more than other animals because they are the only faithful companions.
Dogs give their life for you.
Dogs never are tired for play with you.
Dogs love children.
Dogs can learn faster than men.
Dogs love you for ever.
Dogs could be called man's best friend!

Monday, July 16, 2012

What is art?

When we look around all we see is things that relate to art or contain art. Art can come in the form of many things, including posters, murals, portraits, covers, paintings sculpture, however, why do people everyday use it?.

A common usage of art is to show ideas. Ideas can come in many forms, writing, talking but art is and can be viewed by many without the need of voice. People look at art to look at different ideas that they want to know more about or may be studying. Art can shows ideas about the past, what has happened as of late, what is currently happening and what may happen in the future. Art can show ideas about society, people, religion or something good or something bad.

Art can also be used to show meaning. People can use art to show creativity, feeling, angry or happiness. Art can be meaningful because of the images that can be collected into one small area. It is then up to the person to look at this form of art and to think about it and to make a conclusion about it. If someone is sad, they may choose to paint something that is deep, dark and not bright. If someone is in joyful mood, they may want to paint beautiful things in life, such as children, nature and seasons. Art is meaningful because of the colors, shapes and depictions it can create.

Art can also be used to liven up things in this world. It may not have a specific idea or meaning but it can be used to make things look better and more complete. Art is found everywhere, buildings, parks, museums, schools or our house and is used just to make the place more comfortable and appealing to the public.

Art is also a great tool for learning. Art is important because of what it can be used for. Art is fun and acts as an interactive tool for reluctant learners, younger students. However, when these students grow up, they can learn to appreciate art for what it can do for them. In the process, people can learn a lot because art is almost as effective as written things.

One obviously reason for the art, is that many people depend on it. People who draw are not the only people who use and make money off of art. People who are book publishers, magazine editors, newspaper people all need to use art to supplement their work. Art is used by some people directly and some indirectly.

Art can show the passage of time. During parts of history, writing was not used by certain civilizations because they did not know how to use it, such as the caveman. However, they were still able to communicate through means of art. They used art to show cravings and to represent things in life. This is why we understand so much about the past. We can see the thought process of these people and how they used their materials.

Art also acts as a great thinking agent. It allows for thought because of what it means to analyze art. People are not suppose to just look at art for what it is. They are supposed to draw ideas and to really think about what is going on in the picture. Art stimulates thought because it is required for greater understanding.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Practice makes perfect.

I added in my schedule a free drawing class for all my students every Wednesday from 5:00 to 5:40 PM until June, I just want them to learn different  drawing techniques. I was surprised when four of my younger students came for the drawing classes. Roxana is four years old, Daniel is six yeas old, Andrey is seven years old and Kamilla is eight years old. They arrived almost half and hour early to reserved their spots. We started from picking from animals, cartoons, landscapes, flowers and still life photos. Then we sketched the shapes and connected the lines to make drawings, after that we gave details and finally we changed pencil HB for 9B to trace shadows and shines. Roxana drew a very nice elephant, Daniel and Kamilla drew a bird and Andrew drew four cartoon dogs. I was very happy went Roxana told that she loves my art class. In my opinion,  practice makes perfect, if you want learn how to draw you need to practice every day for fifteen minutes and in a few months you will see the difference. I am glad to teach these children and I hope more students come every week and learn a little bit how to draw.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Drawing or sketch.

I like sketching more than drawing because I think that it is important give the final detail with paint than only with pencil, however many students think that it is more important drawing than sketching. In my opinion, learning to drawing could be boring and take more time than learning to sketch and sometimes if you want to finish your painting with colour it is not necessary to be a master drawer. When we want to draw like experts it is important to practice every day for a minimum of twenty minutes and use the correct pencil for shadows and shines, by the way,  you need to use a soft eraser and a professional stamp blending to give the final details. Another important thing it is uses a drawing paper or a sketch book to have a record of your progress. If you have a problem with your drawing I will help you every Wednesday but you must remember that once a week it is not enough. You have to practice every day.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mixed media assemblage

I recently studied mixed media assemblage at Emily Carr University. I found that technique is fascinating because you can make a unique piece of art with a lot of creative and techniques of sculpture. The assemblage that emerged from Cubism include such pieces as Picasso's Still-life (1914, London), composed of carved wood and an upholstery fridge, and intended to be hung on the wall. His painted bronze Glass of Absinthe (1914, New York ) includes a real spoon and is free-standing. A dissatisfaction with the deceptive illusionism of painting and sculpture that was overcome by the use of real objects. The facility with which objects could be juxtaposed in assemblage made the medium ideally suited to the Surrealism in their quest for marvelous. The Surrealism became an important part of the movement's output, allowing a material equivalent to the juxtaposition of distant entitles embodied in the Surrealist imagen. If you want to use mixed media assemblage you must build a sculptural form from found material and objects. Consider unique ways or a personalized way to forage for objects. Document the inherent. Characteristics of the objects and materials collected. It is important to have attention in composition, form, activation of space and content. Artists who have made mixed media assemblage, often from found objects: Robert Rauschenberg, David Hammonds, Tony Cragg's and others.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Children's Art Competition.

I worked the last months to improve a professional skills in my art studio. I believe that one way to achieve that is implementing new rules that allow my students faced public criticism and artistic competition with others art studios as well as art students from middle schools. This competition should not be cause for stress of the children because they need to demonstrate that what their learned in art class and capture and express their feelings on a canvas. Art competition, improve quality and self-esteem for little artists and motivate to do their best for themselves, each child is unique and deserves public recognition. I encourage my students to participate in art competitions and be able to defeat from the fear of criticism and stress of facing the public. I want to acknowledge your inner talent and that each class expressed through your hands to create fine art and help me become a better art teacher.