Say that all changes are good, I think so ... but sometimes we are a little scared and do not wish to take that big step to change and become better, for exemplar changing school, friends, work, country or even painting technique, we often hesitate and try to keep painting the same way without a changing our technique, colours or media. This happened to me when I was doing my certification in fine art at Emily Carr University, I studied advance acrylic and my teacher besides being an artist showed that the acrylic can be painted as oil and blending and also combining with ground leaves, sawdust, petroleum jelly, gesso, transparent gel or just sand. I thought she was one of those artists who sought to explain her abstract technique with lines and spots painted by hand but my surprise was greater when I combined the new techniques with my own style that I have always painted during years. Through the combination of acrylic and oil I express some of my imagination that had been left behind because I was thinking it was only fantasy. Every day I learned something new and with the changes I made a new style in my art, I've grown and learned that I must change to survive in a world that moves so quickly and when I studied it taught me to grow as an artist and transmit such knowledge.
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